The Angelic Voices is the ministry in charge of music during all of our church services to usher us to the Throne of Grace. Our usual meeting days are Sundays and some Fridays (all night as announced).
Please feel free to come join us at one of our Sunday services to experience their angelic ministrations, and you will be blessed beyond measures!
The Ushering Ministry is an important arm of the church entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining order during services, activities or programmes in the church. We are also charged with the responsibility of taking accurate attendance figures of the congregation in the course of service.
The Greeting Ministry is an arm of the Ministry that is designed to win and retain souls through our smiles and words of encouragement to people coming in for the first time, as well as old members. We are the Ambassadors of the church, the first contact in the church.
The TREM Calgary Technical Team is sub divided into two units- the Sound Equipment Unit (SEU) and the Audio Video Unit (AVU).
The SEU is charged with the responsibility managing/setup all church audio equipment. We ensure perfect harmony in the sound output and also make available public address systems for use during church programs/events.
The AVU is charged with the responsibility of projecting songs, announcements, bible readings and video recording (video coverage) during church services as well as keeping accurate records of church events and programs.
“Where no wise guidance is, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” – Proverbs 11:14
The counseling ministry is responsible for helping new converts grow in their faith and new relationship with Christ. We help establish our new converts as members of God’s family [the church], by way of both counseling and follow-up to maturity, as well as to help them actualize purpose — Galatians 4:19;Proverbs 15:22.
We also walk with our new converts every step of the way through the trenches of your inner battles and interpersonal struggles as they seek spiritual and emotional wholeness. We provide; one-on-one Counseling, Family Counseling (Children and Youth), Marriage Counseling, Spiritual Enrichment and Referral Services for our Members.
We make sure that every new-convert is followed-up weekly [Sunday-Saturday] either by one of our counsellors or by Mass follow-up of new converts, this takes place on a regular basis through the telephone or physical visit by members of our follow-up team.
The MIT is the arm of the church which handles the training and development of young converts. God has given the new Christian instructions as to how to live for Him and specific teachings of His truth. If you have been saved and never taken a new believers class, we help you learn how to live your life for the Lord Jesus Christ and be grounded in God’s foundational truths.
The MIT administers the church’s membership training program for all categories of persons who wish to be a member of TREM. Classes are organized for all new-comers, young converts and also mature believers. The successful completion of this program is a pre-requisite for acceptance into full membership of the church. In fulfilment of this, it organizes Teaching Classes, bi-monthly evening meetings and Evangelism and outreach programs. The MIT will also be responsible for organizing water baptism services of the church.